a port of the Processing Visualization Language


Drawing letters to the screen in Processing uses a technology developed in the mid 1990s at the Visual Language Workshop at the MIT Media Laboratory. It is a closed system, but we have supplied a number of fonts located in the "font" directory in the main "processing" directory. We expect to change the Processing font technology in the future.

Original Processing.org Example: Letters

// All Examples Written by Casey Reas and Ben Fry

// unless otherwise stated.

size(200, 200);


// Load the font. Fonts are located within the 

// main Processing directory/folder and they

// must be placed within the data directory

// of your sketch for them to load

PFont fontA = loadFont("Courier New");

textFont(fontA, 36);


// Set the gray value of the letters


// Set the left and top margin

int margin = 6;

int gap = 30;

translate(margin*1.5, margin*2);

// Create a matrix of letterforms

int counter = 0;

for(int i=0; i<margin; i++) {

  for(int j=0; j<margin; j++) {

    char letter;


    // Select the letter

    int count = 65+(i*margin)+j;

    if(count <= 90) {

      letter = char(65+counter);

      if(letter == 'A' || letter == 'E' || letter == 'I' || 

         letter == 'O' || letter == 'U') {

           fill(204, 204, 0);

      } else {



    } else {


      letter = char(48+counter);



    // Draw the letter to the screen

    text(letter, 15+j*gap, 20+i*gap);


    // Increment the counter


    if(counter >= 26) {

      counter = 0;



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