a port of the Processing Visualization Language

- (minus)

int c = 50 - 5;  // Sets c to 45

int d = c - 5;   // Sets d to 40

int e = d - 60;  // Sets e to -20

int a = 5;         // Sets "a" to 5 

int b = -a;        // Sets "b" to -5 

int c = -(5 + 3);  // Sets "c" to -8
Description Subtracts one value from another and may also be used to negate a value. As a subtraction operator, the value of the second parameter is subtracted from the first. For example, 5 - 3 yields the number 2. As a negation operator, it is equivalent to multiplying a number by -1. For example, -5 is the same as 5 * -1.
-value1value1 - value2
value1 int or float
value2 int or float
Usage Web & Application
Related -- (decrement)
-= (subtract assign)
+ (add)

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