a port of the Processing Visualization Language


IRC Channel

The Processing.js IRC channel has moved to irc.mozilla.org where the PJS developers are hanging out. Need information, have feature suggestions, bugs? Join irc://irc.mozilla.org/processing.js and we will help you get the most out of Processing.js.

GitHub Repository

The current fork of the Processing.js repo at GitHub. Developers wishing to contribute to Processing.js should sign-up at GitHub and pull the code to their local machines. Then any changes you make can be easily integrated into the master version.

The development team have also chosen to go with Github as the bug tracking system for Processing.js. If you think you may have stumbled accross a bug, or you are interested in joining in the development, visit Processing.js on Github.

Google Group

A very helpful group of Processing.js enthusiasts who frequently share code, techniques and collaborate on new ideas. A great place for beginners to get started.

Open Source @ Seneca

After its initial release in 2008 by John Resig, the Processing.js project was picked-up by students in the Centre for Development of Open Technology at Seneca College. The student team finished the port of Processing.js, fixing more than 900 bugs, shipping 12 releases, and creating a vibrant developer community around Processing.js in the process. This project was done through a partnership between the Mozilla Foundation and Seneca College, and was led by David Humphrey, Al MacDonald, and Corban Brook. The students continue to maintain the project today.

Fork me on GitHub