a port of the Processing Visualization Language


example pic
color black = color(0);

set(30, 20, black);

set(85, 20, black);

set(85, 75, black);

set(30, 75, black);
example pic
for (int i=30; i<(width-15); i++) {

  for(int j=20; j<(height-25); j++) {

    color c = color(204-j, 153-i, 0);

    set(i, j, c);


example pic
size(100, 100, P3D);

PImage myImage = loadImage("topanga.jpg");

set(0, 0, myImage);

line(0, 0, width, height);

line(0, height, width, 0);
Description Changes the color of any pixel or writes an image directly into the display window. The x and y parameters specify the pixel to change and the color parameter specifies the color value. The color parameter is affected by the current color mode (the default is RGB values from 0 to 255). When setting an image, the x and y parameters define the coordinates for the upper-left corner of the image (the placement of the image is not affected by the imageMode() function).

Setting the color of a single pixel with set(x, y) is easy, but not as fast as putting the data directly into pixels[]. The equivalent statement to "set(x, y, #000000)" using pixels[] is "pixels[y*width+x] = #000000". The (BETA) version of Processing requires calling loadPixels() to load the display window data into the pixels[] array before getting the values and calling updatePixels() to update the window.
set(x, y, color)

set(x, y, image)
x int: x-coordinate of the pixel
y int: y-coordinate of the pixel
color color: any value of the color datatype
image PImage: any valid variable of type PImage
Usage Web & Application
Related get()

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